Pleasure House Point 10/27/2024

Morning at Pleasure House Point

I decided to venture out to Pleasure House Point Natural Area in Virginia Beach on Sunday morning. I hadn’t been there since late May. I figured the ospreys have moved on but I was hoping some of the migrating birds would have started arriving by now. The first bird I was spotted was a Great Blue Heron who was roosting in a pine tree. Great Blue Heron I then walked all the way to the Brock Center without spotting any more birds. It had just been high tide about an hour before I was there, so that was definitely going to limit the bird action. I was happy to see they built the bridge near the Brock Center. When I first started coming here 5 years ago, there was a cinder block that you had to step on to cross a very small runoff between the larger part of the creek and a little pond. You could literally step over it and didn’t even really need the cinder block. But over the course of five years, this had turned into a pretty big ditch between the two. They have built a really nice bridge for walking over the water now. It has grown to be about 20 feet wide and about 2 feet deep in just 5 years.

Walking back, I had the sun at my back and the lighting was spectacular. I did find an area with a lot of Eastern Bluebirds flying back and forth between a living tree and a dead tree. I got a few decent shots of them perched on the dead tree. Eastern Bluebird Eastern Bluebird Then I spotted a Bald Eagle on the other side of the creek. It was flying away from me but turned back and started coming back towards me. It landed in a tree just across from me on the other side of the creek. Bald Eagle So that was about all I encountered. But that’s ok. I got a decent 2 mile walk in.

I’m really looking forward to finding some birds to photograph this fall, especially since I won’t be going down to Florida in December thanks to Hurricane Milton. I can’t wait for the migrating birds to show up again at Pleasure House Point, Stumpy Lake, Chincoteague NWR, Alligator River NWR and Pea Island NWR.

See also